Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blogging Reflection!

Blogging is something that, before this class, I had never used. I think that I have learned a lot about blogging and the Internet since taking this class. I feel that my writing has improved through all the blogging we have done. The three blog posts that I am the most proud of are numbers three, four, and six.
            Blog post #3 we were asked “What is college good for?” I feel that I answered this well by showing both sides of the story. I gave information saying college is not good and information proving it is. This was our first blog post that required us to use websites to gather more research and information for the post and I feel I did a good job using and documenting it. I also like the quote I used by Reverend Malloy, “A college degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication a person is prepared for life.” I felt that it was a very relevant quote and it went along well with what I was trying to get across. I also like the statistic that the unemployment rate for young college grads is 5 percent compared to the 13 percent of those with just a high school diploma. I also thought my flow was very good in this blog post.
            Another blog post I am proud of is Blog post #4. I think I had a pretty good introduction starting with a statistic about the average annual wage of males with college degrees compared to those without. In this blog post, I also talked about both sides of the story, explaining why college was worth it and why it was not. I feel that the side explaining how some people think college isn’t worth it was stronger. I felt I used the provided links well in helping support my details. I feel I have a lot of strong points concerning the economy, unemployment, debt, and other options. I feel the paragraph about Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs showing that college isn’t the only way to be successful in life was a good real life example to back up my point. I feel my conclusion was good in the sense that I brought up some new points and left it with the questions “So would you rather go through life possibly struggling without a degree? Or make things easier on yourself?” I felt that these kept the readers guessing.
            The final blog post I was proud of was Blog post #6. It was the revision blog post and I decided to revise Blog post #2. I felt that since Blog #2 was my first real blog, I did not do as well as I could’ve. As each week went on and we had a new blog post, I improved. So, the first one wasn’t very good, in my opinion. We were asked why we personally wanted to go to college. At first I had to think about this, but I feel I gave some good points such as, wanting to study something I loved, wanting a challenge, and wanting a new experience. I talked about how I found my way to JSU through the volleyball program and how I fell in love with the school. I want to be a Physical Therapist someday, so Exercise Science and Wellness was the way to go for me. I thought my readers would be interested in my school background coming from such a small town and school district and how JSU is a big change for me. I thought that, in my revision, my flow was better as well as my introduction and conclusion.
            All in all, I feel that this class has helped my writing and the feedback has helped a lot. In the beginning of class, we were supposed to annotate “The Truth About Freshman Composition”, and it said that, when it comes to writing, practice makes perfect. I fully believe that now that I have seen my writing progress throughout these blog posts. I am very happy I took this class to help with my writing!!

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